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New guide helps livestock community understand decision makers’ data needs

by Vanessa Meadu, SEBI-livestock

“Better data for better decisions” – what does that mean? Since the first Livestock Data for Decisions (LD4D) meeting in 2017, our network has been focused on improving data and analysis for better decisions in the livestock sector, especially in low- and middle-income countries. Our challenge is twofold: improving livestock data and ensuring that this data can support better decisions. The second part of this task is very different from the first and involves becoming more demand-driven. But how do we know what livestock decision makers need? 

In 2021 the LD4D Steering Committee asked for a study to help our network better understand livestock decision makers’ data needs. We are pleased to release a new guide that shares insights from our study and offers a step-by-step guide to anyone who wants to undertake a similar study. The study was conducted by the Busara Center for Behavioral Economics, and the guide was prepared by the LD4D secretariat at SEBI-Livestock.

Go here to read the new guide 



Read the new guide here