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INB 13: Latest Recommendations for a WHO Pandemic Agreement

Action for Animal Health and the World Veterinary Association has made recommendations on the draft Articles 4 and 5, and the Bureau’s proposed text of the pandemic agreement, which the INB shared with relevant stakeholders last week.

As negotiations reach a critical stage, the coalition urges all member states to remember that if pandemic prevention is to be genuinely preventative, it must be embedded in a comprehensive, multisectoral One Health approach that equitably engages with animal, human, and environmental health and welfare.

Read the coalition’s recommendations

Animal health systems are critical to the prevention of disease, the early detection of pathogens, reporting, control, and prevention of spread. But many remain under resourced, putting people and animals at risk of the impact of diseases with pandemic potential as well as anti-microbial resistance.

Contact: esme.wheeler@thebrooke.org